Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tongues-What are the Rules?

Tongues is an interesting topic within the church and can cause division and controversy.  I like this article and this pastor's perspective on it.  When I read the article it reminded me of a time some friends from India came over to visit ant they told me about an incident they encountered when a church let the whole body speak in tongues at once.  They were in the church and everyone started speaking in tongues and as they listened they heard something interesting from the couple in front of them.  After they were all done, the Indian couple tapped the couple in front of them on the shoulder and asked them if they wanted to know what they were saying.  The couple responded by saying that is impossible because they were speaking in tongues, but the Indian couple told them they were actually speaking Hindi their native language.  They continued to tell them they were worshiping the God Shiva in Hindi and were not speaking in an unknown language.  What they thought was a worshipful time with God turned out to be something completely different.

I think we have to be careful with spiritual gifts and truly seek out their place and how they function in our lives.

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